Another day goes by

By WelshSi


We started today with a lazy morning as it was pouring down, so a cooked breakfast was in order. Shortly after 9:30 the rain stopped and the sun came out to say hello. We decided to keep it local today so we decided to go to Floors Castle. It was built in 1721 for the first Duke of Roxburghe and is the largest inhabited castle and is now home to the 10th Duke of Roxburghe and his family.

We decided firstly to go and walk around the grounds which took us along the tweed. There is something so tranquil about listening to water rushing by as the sun hits your face and the breeze tickles your nose, bliss. On the way around we saw a few oyster catchers, lapwings and buzzards along with a few more common birds.

After that we had a tour around the house where there was a massive collection of stuffed birds, and when i say massive, i mean mega huge. A bit strange, but amazing.

After that we stopped off at Kelso to have a look around. We wanted to have a look around the Abbey, but for some reason the locked the gates early. So again i was left to peer over the fence. On the way home we had torrential rain with a bit of thunder and lightening thrown in, but again we missed being out in it.

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