Under Cromer Pier

Hard to choose which today : a trip to Cromer won. It was baking hot in Norwich. 23 miles up the road in Cromer, which has it's own micro- climate, a storm was brewing. It didn't happen while I was there, but got increasingly humid. The tide was about half way up, so I headed under here, while it's still accesible. I'm intrigued by the symetry of the structure : this nearly shows it.
Then I had a very generous helping of Ronaldo's very good ice-cream : blackcurrent and rum and raisin today.
I'm reading Petros Markaris's 'Che Commited Suicide' Athens 2004, as various scams around the Olympics are played out. If you enjoy good European crime lit : I'd recommend it. He's good at one liners saying of a journalist " Robespierre in Armani " Ouch!.

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