And again...

Wesley woke me up this morning by licking my head at 5.40. He does this everyday. I usually put him in the living room and go back to bed. Today though went something like this:

Body: let's get up and go for a run
Brain: no, it's too early, go to sleep
Body: please, please, please
Brain: oh ok then

I got up at 6.30, got dressed and headed out. After the busy fringe atmosphere of the last few days, it was an absolute joy. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Everywhere was deserted, it was like heaven for me!

Afterwards, I decided to go up to town to get tickets for Gecko Theatre. I only wanted to see that show. They sadly had no free tickets, so (shock horror) I actually bought one.

That's not the end of the world though, in the last 5 days I've seen 18 shows which would have cost me £186.50 if I'd have paid the full prices. Instead I've paid £38.50 so I really can't complain.

I also got free tickets to another show later on. Here are my reviews:

1. 13.00 - Missing by Gecko Theatre (pictured). Absolutely stunning multi-lingual physical dance theatre centred around one woman's pain. Beautiful and haunting; I was both traumatised and enjoyed it at the same time. I'm so pleased I paid to see this, it was worth it. I'm not sure theatre gets better than this. All I can say is go see it.

2. Holes by Tom Basden. I thought this one sounded great. You get on a bus, go to an undisclosed location, to the sight of a plane crash and watch a play about the survivors. It had a lot of potential - It did not fulfil it. That's an hour and a half of my life I'll never get back. Self indulgent nonsense, when I'd really rather have seen Lord of the Flies.

I then rushed home to see the unveiling of the Twelfth Doctor - Peter Capaldi. I can see it, but I will miss Matt Smith!

Today's run: 12 miles
August running mileage: 17 miles
2013 running mileage: 665 miles

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