
This is Lady's Tower, this was a summerhouse for Lady Janet Anstruther of Elie House. When she went bathing there was a rocky vaulted chamber in which she would change and when she did so a bellman would walk through the streets warning local people to stay away.

Obviously Gail and I made Brian wander round Elie ringing a bell so we could take photos in peace but sadly no-one paid any attention! Plagued by noisy children and photo bombing grown ups we resisted the temptation to push them over the cliff so we could be ladies in peace!

This is the first time I've seen the arse end of the Bass Rock from the other side of the water. The Isle of May is pretty cool too.

However, after next to no sleep, Little Miss Grumpy knickers has been a fucking hilarious nippy sweetie all afternoon, insisting that Shire is pronounced wrong!

The best thing about snoring my tits off all night, apart from having a fabulous nights sleep (minus the poke in the middle of the night not the good kind to tell me I was snoring of course) has been laughing at the sheer comedy that has been a result mostly at Brian's expense of the level of sleep deprivation.

I'm on the sofa tonight! *grins*

Next time I'm bringing my airbed like I suggested in the first place!

Sunday roast better be good!

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