Stirling Weather

By StirlingWeather

Stirling Weather - Autumn Day 17

Today's Photo: Half Tree. This tree in the centre of Fallin always loses branches during windy weather. Last year it got so bad with debris on the main road that it was actually cut back as you can see form the photo so it was safer for traffic and pedestrians. Debris though once again lies at the bottom of the tree after windy weather over the past two days.

Approx. photo time: 06:50

Weather summary: Dry. Reasonable sunny intervals. Gentle breeze.

Today's Weather Stats: as at time 23:59

Top temperature: 13.2ºC
Low temperature: 6.3ºC
Rainfall: 0.0mm
Highest Wind Speed: 24.0mph

More detailed weather information at:
Stirling Weather and Weather Underground

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