Another day goes by

By WelshSi

Fanny on a wire @Fannyingabout #fannyonawire

I had a few options of what to do today, a bike ride with fellow CRaPpers, the Abergavenny food festival or watching and supporting my friend Jane zipping for charity. Well as you can see by my image I chose the latter.

The event was held in Newport, so it wasn't far for us to travel. The boss and I arrived about 20 mins before blast off, we found Jane looking calm on the outside although i think she was very nervous on the inside. The launch was from 50m up from the transporter bridge and the slide was about 300m to the park below. Despite the nerve Jane looked confident, thats not what could be said for all around.

There were lots of steps to tackle just to get up to the top, but Jane took it in her stride and was soon up the top ready to go. A few people went first and soon it was her turn. All shackled up she stood on the edge and launched her self out into the open. With a whoosh she was soon down in the park with a rather large look of relief on her face, the job was done.

What a woman, conquering her fears to raise money for her chosen charity. I for one would and couldn't do it. Well don't Jane.

Here are the other images from today

On another note I cant believe i have had nearly 10000 hits so far on my Flickr account in less that 4 days.

Tour of Britain 2013
Dragons v Scarlets
Newport v Llanelli

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