
I went to see the Jack Vettriano retrospective at The Kelvingrove this afternoon, which opened on Saturday.

It gathers twenty years of his work into a generous space. There's also an interesting interview conducted with him playing, in which he discusses his development as an artist.

Completely self-taught having been rejected by Edinburgh School of Art (ha!). He said he met a woman when he was 22 that opened up his eyes in terms of being a man and what he might accomplish in life.

His fascination with women is clear in most images - from highly romanticised to the voyeuristic. I would be very interested to have a chat with our Jack!! Recommend a visit if you're Glasgow-based, but it was extremely busy.

We weren't allowed to take photographs (and I was stalked by a couple of wardens even though I said at the door I wouldn't take pics!) but I bought a print I liked. This is the first picture I've put up in my new place. I can't find my hammer so there's a queue of others awaiting new homes.

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