Taz- wildcat?

I forget how big Taz is – 14 lbs. and 36 inches – until visitors see him for the first time and stand in awe:
“He is a big cat!”

Well, I have suspected for some time he may have more than a touch of the Scottish wildcat in him – certainly his size and habits suggest it: he loves his own space and will walk out of a room if people are in it and hates the noise of television and radio.

On of the reasons he ended up in cat rescue was that his long hunting expeditions bringing big trophies back to the house coupled with his aloof manner- did endue him to his owners new live-in partner and child.

Now that we have got to know him he is friendly and purrs but on his own terms.

All this came to mind when I heard this week about the Scottish wildcat facing extinction and the government have allocated a £2 million conservation grant to the Scottish wildcat because it is unique to Scotland.

But Steve Piper, former chairman of Scottish Wildcat Association thinks the government plan is "PR fluff".
He said the project would lead to a more relaxed approach to what can be defined as a wildcat and numbers would no longer be focused on just purebred cats.
"Quite a few pet cat owners worldwide will be waking up to find they have a government-approved Scottish wildcat purring at the end of the bed," he said.

Link: BBC wildcat news story

PS.Our visitor who collapsed yesterday morning is back home safe and well.

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