
By OlyShipp

Top of the world

I had expected beautiful, flat coral islands, but whilst there was reef and it was indeed stunning, I was surprised to find that the larger parts of the Seychelles are actually granite, with big hills soaring out of the sea.

The slopes are thick with lush forest, wonderful to look at but not so easy to walk up. Luckily we had an inside-track: our friend Madeleine was born on the Seychelles, and her mum Mia lives there - and was able to put us in touch with a walking group, who bring together local people to foster their appreciation of their stunning natural environment.

Today was their monthly outing, this time to the southernmost tip of the main island. It may not be accessible for ever - rumour has it that a rich Arab investor has bought the land rights and is planning a big development - but for today at least, after a strenuous ascent, it felt like we were on top of the world.

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