A Dog's Dinner

By G

Andy Warhol looks a scream

....hang him on my wall.

Layla and I managed to get up to see the Andy Warhol show at the Scottish Parliament today and very interesting it was too.

A bit of a mixed bag but the good stuff was top quality and surprisingly moving. You always assume that his work in flat but in 'real life' you can see where he has overlayed the screen prints with his own marks raising the surface.

Great images - Jimmy Carter
Richard Nixon
Andrew Carnegie
The Kennedy Assassination series
Chairman Mao
and his 'camouflage' self portrait-which is wonderful.

I would recommend everyone pops in to have a look - it's been much quieter than anticipated so you'll have no problems getting in.....

......and I spotted this lonely little maintenance worker on the way back to the office.

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