Impoftheyard's photos

By impoftheyard

Blipping on the Royal Mile...

The lovely man and I had another wander this afternoon on the Royal Mile. It was a lovely afternoon. I took loads of shots. At first I used the lensbaby - trying a smaller aperture ring. I took some good shots but wasn't sure that I used it to it's best effect. It's quite a challenge to switch to completely manual settings, including focus, as the lensbaby forces you to do, but it's fun. It was especially challenging when we first went out today as the light changed every minute or so.

This shot was taken using my zoom lens. I loved this woman's make-up today. A close second was this shot.

There are quite a few others on Flickr if you feel like browsing but I thought I'd link to one from yesterday evening which I particularly liked. It was taken with the lensbaby.

I had a lot of trouble uploading my blip tonight. I abandoned the upload after about 35 minutes and then tried again. This time it worked. Is this a peak time issue? Anyone else have trouble?

I hope you're all having a nice weekend. I certainly am.

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