
It's been a crazy busy day and it's just the beginning. All you get today is a rather funky processed banksia shot. It's all I have time for. I'm still working on school stuff at 18:30 and still have to pack and walk the dog.

Tomorrow morning I will be getting up at 1:00 am. I will be going to the airport and I will boarding a plane. Then I will spend the next three days on a pilgrimage. I've never been on one before and I know that my feet/legs, etc, are going to hate me for it. However, I am very excited about the experience.

I find myself at a crossroads and am truly hoping that this pilgrimage will help me work out which path to take. I have been longing for a long time to get off the bus for a while and this is my chance. It is bookended with frenetic activity at this busy time of the year, but I am determined to make the most of the opportunity and not to stress about what is going on at school in my absence.

I'll be taking the camera, but won't be posting while I'm away.

I'll catch you next week.

God bless.


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