Getting Board

Day 2 on a snowboard, today. I decided to switch out from skis on Sunday evening because I wanted a new challenge. I thought I'd totally suck as it'd been 3 years since I last stepped on a pair of skis but alas no, it came back relatively quickly.

Boarding is muchos harder. Muchos. Awesome fun though. I don't want to be one of these people who picks an allegiance to one or the other, I enjoy being able to do both so I can board with boarders and ski with skiers.

Tackled a few reds today which was a little scary to begin with, but I didn't take too many tumbles (except for one bloody massive one when I decided that I should definitely try and tackle a jump. I ended up tackling the side of the mountain, face first. One of my finer moments).

I can't for the life of me remember what we did this evening. I do know for sure that apres was absolutely amazing - a big ol' dance circle with everyone throwing down and having a laugh. Loads of fun.

Now I remember what we did; we were all knackered but headed to Saloon bar where a couple games of beer pong began and then we went to Malaysia where there was a live band playing. They were good, but played a few too many cliches for my liking. We bailed at the end of their set.



Many thanks to Kris for wearing a bright orange jacket which really pops against the white/blue of the slopes (SCHLOPES!) making this picture a billion times better in colour than mono. I'm trying to pay attention to colours, at the moment. Basic composition and colours.

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