S1 - Another Day

By S1

Arriving in Edinburgh and the start of the unpacki

After a good nights sleep, CJ and I continued our journey north. As we managed to get on the road at a reasonable time there wasn't too much traffic, so we made it to Edinburgh in time to help finish unloading the truck.

As everyone was unloading, CJ wanted to help - so he was put in charge of looking after his toys at the back of the truck until we could get them out. He loved this idea as he could watch what everyone was doing!

After the truck was unloaded we started unpacking some boxes, making sure the bed and cot where made up and the toothbrushes found. But then it was time for dinner and a relax after a very busy and exhausting weekend.

A huge thanks to F&V&R&I, who came over and helped us! I don't think we would have managed the unloading without your help!

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