
By hpx

Making shadows

I doubt it was intentional but it looked good through my view finder ;-)

A day where you had to laugh even if it had a manic edge to it. Everyone else was either sick or on holiday today which made me the entire team and everything to everyone. Luckily it wasn't out of control busy but there was enough to keep me on my toes.

Then there was the ongoing saga of the lock. 11 weeks ago a job request was sent to change the type of lock on my office door.

About a month ago a guy on a segway personal transporter complete with metal tool kits on each side arrived. He poked around and announced "they've sent the wrong lock". Off he goes smashing into 3 doorways on his way down the corridor!

Today he returned with his segway and tool kits. Yep, this time "...it has the wrong handle..." and yes, a few more chunks out of door ways. He did take many photos of my door so maybe third time lucky.

And that was Tuesday.

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