shotlandka's weebig world

By shotlandka

The opposite of cosy

I do like a bit of blip diversity, and I think this shot of some ice from my freezer is about as from from yesterday's blip as I can get! Went into town today to see the Hobbit, which I enjoyed (and was just about long enough for my rain soaked jeans to dry out) then headed straight back through what I regard as my own personal vision of hell on earth - packed shopping streets on the last Saturday before Christmas. Horrible!

Weather forecast not looking so good for getting home to Arran so I may try and get down a bit earlier than I was planning. So tomorrow I will have one eye on the CalMac app at all times to see whether it's worth trying it. How did we cope before smart phones? I can remember spending long periods of time trying to understand messages on their info line, which had the worst sound quality known to mankind (with the possible exception of a few Skype calls I've participated in with people in Edinburgh!). Hope you've all had your shopping done and haven't had to venture out into this weather!

25th anniversary of the Lockerbie disaster. A very sad day indeed.

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