The Questioning

I don't have much to say today it was just a day of reflection and when I need to ask myself some difficult questions there is nowhere I would rather be than by our river.

Wylie's question marks are special for many many reasons, this place is special and to be able to sit in this beautiful place, to sit alone and watch the river quietly slip by is cathartic and usually allows me to think and see clearly but today I never really reached a conclusion, no answer to my reaching questions but that search will just have to go on I guess.

As for todays shot, well I guess it says it all, albeit there is only one large question mark here for my many questions but as I sat the swans that I often see in this place drifted down river on the ebb tide but the usual large group were nowhere to be seen just a few of these beautiful creatures, they kept me company for a little while as if trying to give me council, they seemed to linger longer than the tide wanted to allow as if to share their wisdom and their company with the lonely stranger on the shore intruding on their repast....

As I continue to wrestle in search of the answers in these wee small hours I hope you enjoy the shot as I enjoyed the tranquillity of our river again today...

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