
By Mikey88

First Primrose

I had a couple of good sessions in the garden - one this morning and one during the afternoon. I have decimated the buddleia, which, without the garden seat which went to the tip a couple of weeks ago, looks extremely sparse in terms of branches. I will blip a shot of it when I have polished off the last few branches. Then I can begin on the other bushes around the edge of the garden.

While working, I looked up and saw a raven wheeling about. I took quite a few shots of it, which looked quite good enlarged, but not so good when they were cropped. I still marvel at the fact that I live in a place where ravens fly over my garden. When I was growing up, they seemed almost legendary - a bird that you had to go to special places to stand a chance of seeing.

So, I didn't blip the raven, but I did spot the first primroses to flower this year. Tucked away in front of the shed, they have quietly opened over the last couple of days and are peeping out between the squares of the trellis. Other will be joining them around the garden over the next couple of weeks, and then the grape hyacinths will open and Spring will be here.

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