Above And Beyond...

By BobsBlips

Water Water Everywhere!

Today wasn't a very inviting day to go out unless you had too. Needing to get a blip photo and some shopping, I set off to Tesco to use up my money off vouchers that arrived a few days ago.

I drove back over the mountain. The rain was chucking it down and the sky very dark.

The fields are flooded on top of the mountain and the water is running down the road and streams. I took this image of the mountain stream entering the drainage system. Not that exciting but I didn't want to get out of the car for more than a minute more than I had too!

Got home and a heavy clay pot with conifer had moved off one of my driveway's into the road........blown purely by the wind. As I type this, I can hear it battering the living room window. Button down the hatches!

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