
By LaKwAtSeRa

Fringe Division Head : Phillip Broyles

I have to admit i was surprised to see how similar this man looks like Philip Broyles from Fringe. He was however dressed in an 'observer' sort of get-up (pardon me for all the Fringe references, i could not make it more obvious that i was a fan of the series). I was in the queue waiting for my turn to see the Christ Church Dining Hall (where the inspiration for the Great Hall of Hogwarts was taken from) when i saw this bowler-hatted man walk by with his brolly in hand. I knew right then that that was a good photo opportunity in the waiting. He stopped in front of the door put one of his legs in front of the other and stared at a distance , seemingly frozen for several seconds. Then i just heard my camera going, click! click! click! click! Im not sure if the other visitors noticed him but when i looked around, nobody seemed to mind him.

I thought that i would be posting a photo related to Harry Potter today but this photo connected more with me than the Pottering that i did today. This is not the best composition that one could get im sure but i am quite happy with it.

Finally visited the dining hall after about 10mins in the queue and didnt see the brolly man after i got out. I was about to leave the Christ Church vicinity
at the other gate when i noticed that the bowler-hatted brolly man was back! Alas, i realized what his role in the College was, he was one of the Christ Church porters :)

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