
By Technophobe

Tap turns on the water.

We are just up in Keswick for a few days tasking in our cottage.
One of LooseCanon's many talents is a spot of amateur plumbing. He's had lots of practise and is now quite expert, so it usually goes quite well although there has been the odd crisis over the years.
Plumbing is like old fashioned television portrayals of childbirth. It seems to involve lots of hot water and towels. So when I hear those dreaded words '.....drain down the system...' Or '...8mil compression T joints....'I get the kettle on, and start ferreting around for old towels.
We are installing a couple of additional radiators to combat the Cumbrian chill. My task is to make tea on the hour every hour, and pop to the shops for sprockets and widgets as required.
Anyway, it's all going terribly well so far with no major leakages, not too much swearing and only a couple of unscheduled visits to the hardware store for drills etc.
So far so good.

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