Don?t Know Nuffink

By Mrski1

Scary Santa!

Today Phoebe had a busy day planned, we headed to Berwick to go swimming first, something which I love doing with her and try to do any time I'm down, Phoebe then displayed her confidence in the water to myself and Leanne by swimming along on her front all on her own, both of us were so proud we could have cried!

Once Phoebe had finished showing all of the older kids how it should be done, we had some lunch, then went back into Berwick to have a look around the Christmas market where we ended up doing our usual, buying food! We had a delicious hog roast roll with stuffing and apple sauce, followed by hand made crisps & doughnuts, and I took some fudge and cheese away.

Back at the house I reluctantly emptied the car as I knew I had to drive back up to Aberdeen, had some coffee to wake myself up, and after a quick play with Phoebe falling onto her Mum, got into the car and cruised up the road, 3.5 hours later and im home, tired and grumpy to be back.

Me and my Baby

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