right place, right time

By quiconque

Pole Hill

A little local interest today. Pole Hill is the location of the Chingford Pillar, an old granite obelisk bearing the following inscription;

This pillar was erected in 1824 under the direction of the Reverend John Pond M.A., Astronomer Royal.
It was placed on the Greenwich Meridian and its purpose was to indicate the direction of true North from the Transit Telescope of the Royal Observatory.
The Greenwich Meridian as changed in 1850 and adopted by international agreement in 1884 as the line of zero longitude, passes 19 feet to the east of this pillar.

There's a smaller concrete triangulation pillar on the 'actual' line of the meridian. But it's not as nice.

(By the way, I've been a bit slack at posting pics recently; I've been away, and busy with 'party season', and so on. But I've been taking and will catch up with things eventually...)

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