
By astudyinscarlet


lots of countryside today, the majority of it seen from the window of the car tho - the scenic route south to edinburgh is scenic, but takes a while to drive, so no noodling today. we did stop for coffee in braemar tho - slightly overwhelmed by the tartanry of the shops and muchos amused at the faded grandeur of the hotel lounge where we partook of caffeine and cake. i've not seen so many mismatched fabrics in a very long time...

it was nice to drive thru the hills again, and see the changes in the landscape - coast to agriculture to chocolate box pretty to pretty wild in the glens and then back into civilisation again. i was hugely disappointed to discover, however, that there is no laybay on the southbound side when you pass the meikleour beech hedge - it might only be a hedge, but it's a world record holder and i wanted a photo, dammit! but the only stopping point is the other side of the road :-( i may have to demand that we take that route next time we go north!

backblippage of the adventures from here if you be so interested.

and if you click ahead to 4th oct, you'll see the results of what we did the day after arriving back in edinburgh, as it was too wet to do anything else...

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