Room with a view

This is the view from my window at the Ammerdown Centre, near Bath, where I am advancing as a poet with other children's writers on retreat. Great fun as usual. I believe this building is still lived in, but the gardens are open to all guests and a delight to walk in.

And see that maze in the corner? Well, when is a maze not a maze? When it's a labyrinth. So now you know. Apparently, you're supposed to enter it prayerfully. Oops! Only read that afterwards. Too late! But we aren't on a religious retreat, so perhaps that makes it OK. I'm not into superstition.

All good fun. And I've even written a poem or two. So there.

Apologies for lack of comments this week - it's not that I don't like chatting to you, but it's an enjoyable novelty having real live people to socialise with, so making the most of it while it lasts.

(Also communed with a squirrel, a robin and some lovely butterflies in the grounds this afternoon - including two Orange Tips, and a sulphur coloured butterfly that seemed to be trying to mate with a Large White! All too fast for my camera.)

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