
14.0C with bright spells and some cloud. Gentle breeze.

Apothecary7's last day off before the return to work after the holiday. Alternately, Apothecary7's day off :-)

We went to St Andrews.

We had a walk along the West sands. About a quarter of the way along, after running about with other dogs and having lots of fun, Maeve the Deerhound ran past us and made a quick stop with a turn and a twist. There was a squeak. She stood still and held her back right paw off the ground. Our hearts stopped. Possibly all three hearts.

After a few seconds we rushed over. We couldn't see any obvious damage. I examined the leg as best I could from top to paw. No cuts, and no squeaks from Maeve as I ran my hand down her leg. We stood together for a couple of minutes then the paw was gently put back on the sand. Lead back on I got Maeve to walk a bit. No limping. A little more walking. Still no limping. Much relief all round we turned back and walked slowly up to town where we continued our day out. We had almost the some experience once before on the same beach. It doesn't get any easier !

I only realised when we got back to the car after wandering around town and having a picnic lunch in the Cathedral grounds that I hadn't had my camera out of its bag all day. Nothing for it but a quick blip of the latest addition to the Raku pieces we have bought over a few visits to St Andrews. This one (there is another boat in a different green) completes the display on one of the kitchen walls. At least for now :-)

Since we got back Maeve has had a wander round the garden and is showing no signs of any leg problems. She is, of course, snoozing on her bed in my office as if nothing ever happened.

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