
First bit of excitement today was H hitting the spotlight, this was a great start to the day.

It was all going so well until I remembered I had a meeting with the accountant this afternoon (remember I said that a bank holiday would completely throw me?).

The meeting was fine, he did his usual 'you need to put more away for tax' I did my usual 'oh look over there, an exciting chair' the upshot being that we are doing alright. Not where we want to be, but where we need to be at the moment and so that's probably ok. A good discussion though, he has a very different view of our business to us, and has no emotional attachment to it (this is good) so asks questions I normally never think about. Anyway after 75 minutes (yes I was counting) I legged it and came home where I found H had chilled my Gin!! Result.

After dinner I picked up some posters for the event on the 21st and then headed over to Bills for a practice. As only Bill and I were there we sorted out some bits we were unsure of in the set list, mainly little bits of the arrangement (or what on earth do I play after the third chorus??). A good session and then he very kindly offered to be my blip. What a fine man he is. Really getting to grips woth the bass parts as well.


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