The Scary Guy at Hay

Guess whose coming …….

This is The Scary Guy and I spotted him walking around the Hay Festival site.

Was he a performance artist? Well, sort of.
He describes himself as the new face of love and his mission in life is to eliminate anger, hate, violence and death.

Quite an undertaking for this gentle giant from America’ mid-west.

Over 80 per cent of his body is covered in tattoos.

As for the festival we have had another day of rain.
We went to a talk in the philosophy and music festival, which runs parallel with the main book festival on “The World After Tomorrow”, which looked promising but turned out to be a rant by a self opinionated Trotskyist, Cory Doctorow, while the chair, Vassili Christodoulou sat there helplessly.

As for the promised conversation with the audience there was time for only one question.

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