The Blackcountry Man

By brickmaker

A little Tipple.....

With Maddi back with her Mom then I can have a nice little tipple from an old bottle of Whisky that I have had for a number of years, but now it's opened, well I mustn't let it go off, must I?

Busy day today, Washed the car, again, washed the Caravan, twice as the first time just removed some of the mud, then I removed all the black streaks on it too.
We removed all the stuff from the inside ready to go to the repairers tomorrow, hopefully he will be ready to accept it as the last time he wasn't.

Then over to the house to see what the electrician has been up to.

We have booked a holiday for next year, I will let you know what and when at a later date, but it will involve Little Miss Maddi coming along.

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