Scooby Doo! Scarecrow Festival!.

Today we were to Barton Mills Scarecrow festival. Barton Mills is a village very close to where we live. They celebrate it every two years all weekend . They made nice homemade cakes, music party , Bbq etc. All the money they made this weekend is for charities, e.g. Red Cross etc..
Every house made their own Scarecrow and put it in front of their houses doors and gardens . They are really colourful and funny. Someone scary too haha!
It is really interesting. I don't remember if at the end of the festival the best one has some prize. I think so.
Lucky for them that it didn't rain all day. There was heavy rain only in the morning. Later there was sunshine.
One of my colleague from my art class is living there in this village and made a lion scarecrow. I saw her in the church with her painting exhibition raising money for charity. Very nice of her. She has a lot of paintings. She is a very good painter. She is doing oils for more 8 years and watercolours many years ago. She is very kind doing that. She said she has many and not enough space at home for them so she prefers to help someone selling them.
My favourite scarecrow was this one, Scooby Doo! If you remember that was a very funny program. I used to watch it many years ago . Good memories to me.
I would like to share this nice event with all of you. Hope you enjoy it. If you looks it in large you can see my relfection and my husband in the window.. I noticed it just now in large haha!
Problably I will go tomorrow again . I didn't see all of them but almost. The program said something about the funny dogs maybe some kind of competition of the perfomance with some dogs tomorrow. I will see.
Have a nice Sunday everybody and thanks for the comments and stars and fav of my portrait of Yangyang in my garden.
She likes the picture very much too.

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