Be gentle Millie!

The artist at work! Heath Rosselli!
We arrived at the studio and Heath Rosselli,the Boss of Millie and my art teather. She was working very hard to finish this painting for the school. This was one commission from St Mary's School. I think that is amazing !There is a lot of work here . Now you understand why I took a Millie for a walks with me. The Boss is very very busy artist.
The head teacher of the school came to see the painting a few times and she is very happy with it . If you look it in large you can see the head teacher in the first line seat down with the pupils on the bench.
Millie was very happy to see her Boss and she gave her a treat. Millie is very obedient and she sat quite waiting for the treat. She is adorable and you can see here how beautiful is the relation beetwing them . Both are adorable. I think that is so sweet scene. I took some picturres of her painting but I chose that one having a break with Millie.
We told the boss our adventures and she was very happy to hear what a nice time we had.
We didn't go to the beach today but we hope we will go tomorrow. I am desperate to had a dip in the sea.
Thanks for the comments, stars and many hearts you gave me for the swan and pony dancers. It was a very funny moment and I am very happy to share it with you my blipper friends.
Have a nice weekend everyone and keep smiling.

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