Good times –song for Scottish Freedom

We are getting closer to the wire…time is running out.

This guy Ferguson, handed M a note on the train from Edinburgh yesterday just as he was getting off.
“This might interest you,” he said.
M looked down. It was a link to this YouTube. video .

Earlier there had been some discussion about the Referendum on the train.

M checked the link and discovered that the stranger he had been sitting next to had composed this song and uploaded it.
: “There are good times around the corner.”

Its funny and its in favour of the no vote.

One worrying thing about the Yes campaign is that it has revealed an unpleasant underbelly of Scottish racism- strangers in the street have been subjected to abuse and told to go back to “f….England” and all the no signs are vandalised as soon as they are put up.

While the head says no and the heart says yes it is significant the David Cameron, PM of the UK made a fleeting visit to Scotland today and his PR people bundled him for safety to make his impassioned speech not to break up the union, not in Edinburgh or Glasgow but some remote conference hall on the outskirts of Aberdeen to which only hand-picked members of the Toy party members were allowed in.

He said that the “eyes of the world are upon Scotland and all are asking the same question: why?”
Well, if he had dared walk down any street in any Scottish town he would have got the same answer: “We don’t want to be ruled by southern toffs”.

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