
By Nigel

Last Minute Day Out

At 11:30 this morning Jen announced we were going out on her day off this week, lunch and a mildly boozy afternoon.

Cafe Marlayne was the chosen destination for lunch, my first visit to an actual French restaurant (though some ofthe posher places we have been to may base their food on French cuisine I'm not sure they're really French). Very nice it was too. Service was a bit random but I find this acceptable from somewhere french for what are mildly indoctrinated slightly racist (or possibly nationalist) reasons. For £40, including the tip, we had Moules Marinière and Boudin Noir starters and a Rump Steak and Haddock for mains all washed down with a bottle ofRober Skalli cabernet sauvignon. The Pan-fried Haddock in a Lemon Zest and Chervil batter was especially good, the batter around the fish is cooked like a kind of pancake rather than the normal deep-fried crispy batter, very tasty!

The order of play after that was:
Bar Kohl - a few post lunch cocktails and a discussion on flavoured vodkas with the rather knowledgable bartender.
The Wash - A quick stop on the way from Old to New Towns
The Dome - More cocktails, Raspberry Lynchburg is a marvellous idea
Bramble - Sadly the Mayas daiquiri (avacado based) has gone from the menu but sampled a few others instead. 20th Century Cocktail - Deconstructed was especially nice, though essentially a lemon and gin martini it is drunk through a topping of white chocolate foam and one with tequillla and curry powder which was a tasty surprise. Jen got the recipe for the mayas and also for the white chocolate foam so we had to pop to the shop on the way home :)

Back in the house Jen took over bar duties and we rocked until midnight, before catching up on Lost and Heroes.

What a day! I'm bushed...

Music (what little part of the day I was in control of music for anyway):
David Bowie - Best of Bowie
Boards of Canada - The Campfire Headphase
Daft Punk - Homework

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