Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady


The dogs waiting for me to open the gate onto the hill for their afternoon walk. Its been blowing a hooley and raining heavily most of the day so I didn't take my camera out. And because I didn't my walk was in a brief spell of dry weather with blue sky turning pink overhead. This was when the wind must have been shifting from southerly to westerly. It just started to rain again as I got back into the yard! Only the old phone for the photo how I miss having a quality image when I use it.

Another day of stripping wallpaper. Discovered some old old patterned stuff on the one wall that is the old fashioned crumbling plaster. I knew the wallpaper would be hiding something but I couldn't stand the two different patterns and the visual joins between the sheets. Forecast for tomorrow is for even wilder weather with large sea swell so might head down to the beach to see if I can get some pictures of the waves.

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