
By rainie

Pin Oak

It was such a miserable day - temp only reached 12 deg...wasn't too enthusiastic about being outdoors, but knew the pin oak was looking splendid.

I decided to do some movement photography, most of them were at the other extreme than this one, therefore I picked this as it still shows (well almost) the makeup of the branch.

Another night with the rugby on the TV, I'm about over it really, but D can't get enough of it. However, I did enjoy the rugby last night as the Crusaders had a win & are now in the top four of the Super 14 Rugby Competition. For those that don't know, this competition is made up of five provincial teams from NZ, four from Australia & five from Sth Africa.

It might rain tomorrow, hope so - we need the rain deperately, but I love a wet Sunday!!


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