
By rainie

Outside Cafe

As I ordered yesterday, the sun did shine this morning after rain overnight.

dups & I sent our Mystery Field Trip group off at 9.15, & as we had done the organising we could not participate....what to do for 3 hours???
It didn't take too long to sort that question out.
Off we went to the nearest cafe & made ourselves very comfortable on their leather couch with coffee table. Enjoyed a exceptionally large Mochachino & made a few decisions:

will we go shopping (almost),
will we try & follow the group (incognito)
or will we get the computors & sort our skateboard images in readiness for the prints & AV we had promised the skateboarders.

Common sense prevailed, & we sorted the images, 3 hours later & more coffee's & yummy food we emerged with a sense of achievement.

A very successful field trip, no one got lost, most of them sorted the clues then photographed them, now we have to sort their entry's & get a winner - prize might be a chocolate fish!!

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