Me, Myself and Catherine

By cspeakman

Cold Stone Crag

We've been neglecting the trad climbing of late - far too much limestone bolt-clipping for my liking - so I decided to rectify the situation! A nice bit of weather-sculpted, super rough moorland gritstone, somewhere in the wilds of north Lancashire seemed like the perfect antidote. A few solos up the easier stuff to warm up, then onto the steeper routes. Some very 'trad' grades here. The sort that probably only make sense if you're wearing tweeds and nailed boots - (sorry, I expect only climbers will understand this - but I guarantee any climbers will know exactly what I'm talking about!!). A tiny crag but what a situation, and what a diversity of climbing styles. I'd wanted to 'tick' the crag but skin didn't allow. That means we'll have to come back, which on the right day will be no hardship. On the wrong day it could be bloody miserable however!

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