The Fringe Comes to the Meadows

It was snagging morning in the Dower House today.

Not only snagging of which there was very little, but it was also a time of explanation about how everything, bar the electronic side of things, worked : water stopcocks, gas and electricity turn offs, boilers, entry systems , entry alarms, central heating system working ,white goods' workings..... on and on it went while my brain started to fall into a surplus- of- information induced coma.
His Lordship seemed in no better a shape and I could see his eyes beginning to glaze over towards the end.

We have still to have a tutorial from the technical guru about using the sound system. etc. I'm not looking forward to that, and I think his Lordship's eyes may stay glazed for the duration.

We were so excited about seeing the new place again that we felt spurred on to pack some more books and a cupboard full of glass ware after we got home to the castle.
The empty book cases revealed so much dust and glaur that if it's true that man comes from dust and goes back to dust, then there have been several men coming and going behind these shelves for years.

I have to say we are both a bit tired, but hopefully the meal tonight with David77 will brighten us up.
It's cooking as I blip this image of one of the colourful hoardings beginning to adorn the Meadows

For the benefit of Les Girls at Spoon last night (you know who you are) my 100% was so shocking that I had to have a wee lie down to recover. Who would have thought it could have been as bad?

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