La vida de Annie

By Annie

Good hair day

Popped down the road to Enya's today at her invitation, to take some pics of her daughter who was experimenting with hairstyles for her wedding in October (I'm one of the official photographers). When I got there I found Enya sitting on a chair in the garden having her hair cut by the hairdresser, which seemed to me a very liberating idea, as well as liberating the cuttings over the lawn instead of the carpet. Much hilarity was caused by a demo of her infamous Egyptian duck walk, which made my task a lot easier, as her daughter is a beautiful girl but with a phobia of cameras; you know the drill - blink or grimace as soon as the shutter fires (I do that too). The idea was to tackle the issue with the flooding technique, much as you'd conquer a fear of spiders by going into a room full of them. In this case a big fat camera with and without flashgun and diffuser was the feared object, but after a while tolerance was built up and I reckon she'll be fine on the day.

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