A Dog's Dinner

By G


Today I had the pleasure of meeting a Polish Environmental Engineer and a Television Camera man. They were digging up my garden.

There has got to be something very wrong when good people with good qualifications are working as day labourers in a foreign country.

They were telling me that in Poland one hours salary at the minumum wage buys one litre of petrol. In the UK one hours salary on the mimumum wage buys 5 litres - do the maths.

What would you do?

For our non UK chums I should explain.

Since the expansion of the European Union, two years ago, Britain has welcomed around 600.000 new Polish workers. The government estimate around 35,000 would come. The interesting things is that they have all found jobs - so why wern't these jobs taken up by some of 835.000* claiments registed in the country. Who knows?

So I have ended up with two extremely over qualified 'diggers'

Doesn't seem right.

* Office of National Satistics

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