Every Little Step

By moonfairy

Look just stand still and I'll jump over you!!

These are rabbit fish and the grey blob is a small stingray.

Rabbit fish eat vegetables and algae if they are kept in large aquariums, so basically they are used to keep aquariums clean. They are not very big fish but they do have poisonous spines on their backs and although not life threatening, the stings are extremely painful. But they are extremely shy fish so are more likely to run away than attack!

Ok lesson over!!

Today has been a loooong day. Went straight from work to the hospital where my husband had dropped Christian off at 9am. After various procedures which all take time we got home after 3pm!

The doctors are nice the staff are extremely kind, but this is the 3rd week in a row where we have spent 3 days at the hospital. I am getting extremely tired as well as a little frazzled by it all, so am taking 2 weeks off work. However, 3 days of my first week of the holiday will be spent at the hospital. I'm only hoping that the 2nd week we might only have to go once!

It hasn't always been like this just in the last few weeks, so hopefully if Christian improves we might get a bit of a respite from so many visits.

Weather wise, the rain has returned tonight, so the grass wont get cut
again. It's getting to be a jungle out there!!!

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