A Dog and a Ball

Even with the clocks going back an hour this morning, Mrs T and I were up bright and early. And just as well too.

I'd just gotten out of the shower and there was a man in a hi-vis jacket at the door to say they'd found a cable fault just along the street and were about to start digging. The electricity would be off for the next 4-5 hours.

Mrs T's biggest worry was getting her hair dried in time as she had a birthday tea with her aunt scheduled for later in the afternoon. She managed to get it finished just in time.

We still had time for a quick trip to Dunkeld for a light lunch and a walk with Breagha, before heading back to Perth as I had a curling match in the afternoon, and would miss out on the tea too.

When I got back from the ice rink (we won!) I then spent the rest of the day taking hundreds of photos for one of our neighbours who's starting up in business and wanted some product shots done. No time to sort through them tonight though. It's late and the early start is starting to take its toll.

Obviously I had a little helper when I was setting up the lighting this evening. I was hoping to get a shot with her holding the ball in her mouth but she kept dropping it looking for me to throw it again. So this will have to do.

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