Ticking Away the Moments

By wiiaholic

Autumn Colours

London day today - since starting to Blip, I'm always looking for photo opportunities! Had a few to choose from today, including a pic of Big Ben, Cromwell's statue at the Houses of Parliament and one of a Boris Bikes for Hire stand, completely empty of bikes (it was full again by the time I came past it on my way home).

But instead, I thought I'd go for this one - some lovely Autumn colours which you don't always expect to see in a city. London is full of little parks and green areas - this is a pic of the private garden in Dorset Square. I walked past it on my way from Marylebone to Baker Street and thought the colours were lovely.

Unfortunately there is no access to the garden, it belongs to the occupants of the surrounding houses and it's kept locked, but the trees & hedge are clearly visible and brighten up an otherwise dull stretch of road.

Had a really good day today, but tiring - left home at 6.20 am and got home at just before 9 pm. A very unusual part of my day was attending a reception at the House of Commons (hence the pics of Big Ben and Cromwell). It is an amazing place though the security procedures are time consuming - took 35 minutes to get through, most of which was spent queuing outside in the freezing cold! No photos allowed inside which is a shame. And I didn't have time to have a good look round, as I had to go straight to the terrace where the reception was held.

But it was great to get the chance to go - maybe I'll have to arrange to do the proper tour and see more of it: http://www.parliament.uk/visiting/visiting-and-tours/tours/

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