must try harder

By halfcj

Passport to nowhere.

Having just placed some advertising with Yell,com, can you imagine the excitement of receiving my first 'sales' call! I could hardly contain myself.
"Are you the photographer?" she asks
"Yes indeed, how may I help you" I say in the most helpful and convivial accent I can muster.
"Do you do Visa and passport photos?" she quizzes.
"Why of course!" says I, thinking to myself what a pleasant sounding lady.
She goes on to explain that her husband has been posted abroad and they need to get updated Visas/passport photos done for all the family. She sounded so excited.
"How much do you charge?" comes the obvious next question.
"I will come to you..."I explain, "... and it's £30 per person"
"Oh that's great..." she says, " soon can you do it?.....I'll fit in with you."

Now sometimes in life, you meet or speak with people and you have an immediate affinity with them. She sounded like a really nice person, someone you just know you would be friends with. The conversation went off at a tangeant. She started chatting to me, clearly full of anticipation and hope over their new adventure, with a second child on the way. Oh what joy to be young and adventurous.

" i could do it anytime early next week, Monday or Tuesday?" I advised her.
"Fantastic..." she said. "...either suits me."

Now it's at this point that the 'inner me' took over my brain and my mouth. I don't know what it is about me, but it's probably what make me a lousy businessman I guess, because the next words out of my mouth were:
"You do realise that you can just have these done down at your local Snappy Snaps for under £10 each don't you?" I can hear that little fella on my shoulder screaming in my ear 'what the hell are you saying!?'
"Oh really?" she says.
"They're bog standard photos against a white background, full detail needed, so a creative photographer not exactly needed" I explain further.
"Oh, I didn't know that" she responds gratefully. "I'll do that then if you don't mind?"
"No, not at all." I lied.
"Well thank you so much for your help." she says as we finish up the conversation. "You're welcome" says I.
I stand looking at the phone now back in it's cradle wondering what on earth happened there! Bemused. Did I really just talk myself out of some work? Did I really just advise a potential client to go somewhere else because they were cheaper!!!

I console myself with the fact that I had just saved someone, a complete stranger, £60. Ignore the fact that I also missed the potential of them using me for a proper portrait at some time in the future. Hey, they're off to America anyhow. I'll never see them again! Well definitely not now. Will I?

I called upon gussy to step into my office.
"I need to do a passport photo Gussy...please stand into the shot" I directed.
"Where we going Dad?' he asks.
" Nowhere Gussy. Nowhere."

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