
By Ellaphant

Windmill 'Nooit Gedacht', Cadzand

'Nooit' = 'Noyt' = 'never'
'Nooit Gedacht' = 'Never Thought'
I still don't know what they 'never thought'.

The windmill hit the 125-year milestone last year, so at least it's had the usual childhood diseases/cures of rusty mechanical parts that have been replaced, a change of rods, and the occasional bit of fire.

Another sunny day!  Roads thick with (German) tourists who have been dreaming of our beaches in the past year.  I also used to see a lot of Belgians and not so many French, but these days there are even more nationalities and parking areas display a variety of registration plates -- Romania, Hungary, Slovenia, Denmark, Sweden, and Spain.  I have the feeling they're not just tourists but, rather, people who are actually employed here and now enjoying the long weekend with us.

Cadzand is also the place where AW and a former good friend of ours used to go hunting for fossils like prehistoric shark teeth.  That friend had quite a large collection, and AW still has his.  I've shot it once or twice when there was nothing else.  We've lost touch with him through the years; people come and go.

Before the hunt, I had to accommodate the Viking.  He'd sent a document I had to sign, scan, and send back.  We'd run out of printer ink so I had to go to the main public library in town.  It was the very first time I needed such services.  A nice assistant came to the rescue... such a procedure to follow!  Look for a free computer, top up library card with a euro, log in with library card, insert USB (I'd downloaded the doc but nothing appeared), accessed my mail because of course it was there, had it printed, signed it, after which it was scanned (my card needed for both printing and scanning, of course), then mailed it back straight away on the spot.  The whole thing fitted neatly within the time frame of my parking payment.

The usuals at home.  Thankful for yet another thing done in the waiting room.

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