
By Ellaphant

Windmill 'Rust Na Arbeid', Ven-Zelderheide

'Rust Na Arbeid' = 'Rest After Work' or 'Rest After Labour' ... quite a name.

Well, I was able to rest for a bit after driving to this spot.  Not that it took unusually long.  It's just that I feel it more than I did four years ago.  The mill is from 1881.

Extra = vertical shot

Wonderful Sunday weather all the way to the evening, and then the clouds came but mission accomplished by then.

A lot of housekeeping before I left because I wasn't even sure I felt like going out.  All done a lot more quickly than I had calculated, so enough time for the long drive.  This was Plan C.  Plan A had been a mill in the northwest, but GPS warned of thick traffic on the A27 towards the west.  Plan B was the northeast, but again a warning from GPS of a traffic accident on the A28, which caused the A27 jam in the first place.  By now firmly resolved to go hunting, I parked the car on the provincial road still close enough to home and looked for options.  The southeast was totally traffic-free, and that is how I ended up in Limburg, the province I haven't visited for quite a while.  Future visits now planned for the near future.

Still in the waiting room but we've done what we could.  Thankful for GPS and for sunny days!

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