
By Huddsbird

Another day another castle, beach.......

Slept like a log after yesterday's fresh air. Up and smaller breakfast, then off round the corner to the bus stop for bus of the day. Met fellow hop on and off'ers!
Lovely top deck views as across the island on part of TT route. Saw some buffers out, railings ready and old edge painting.
Dropped at the harbour front at Peel, wow! Stunning castle , beach and generally amazing views. We walked up to the harbour walls, saw eider ducks and seals, as well as some lifeboat staff painting the walls.
Back to the castle, an audio guided tour, the best loo location ever, and more fabulous photo opportunities generally and for physivic! Then down to the. Out beautiful she'll beach, did some beach combing before climbing up Peel hill for views across the whole bay. Keep getting tips from locals- routes for walks, location bus stops, places to eat etc. had great view also of the coach!
Then tried another real ale, before wandering through the town, had a bit of time to kill before the bus, so managed to fit in a kipper taste too!
Bus across again on TT route, to Ramsey - slightly less impressed here, as less of a bay, so not as pretty. But atmospheric old pier, great free trade and toy shop! Ice cream time, before back via Laxey to Douglas. Just after 5.30 so another full day, unwind, chill and change pre dinner. They post the menu up- guess what can have mackrel !
Another gorgeous day out by the sea.

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