
Her delight in the smallest things was like that of a child. There were days when she ran in the garden, like a child of ten, after a butterfly or a dragon-fly. This courtesan who had cost more money in bouquets than would have kept a whole family in comfort, would sometimes sit on the grass for an hour, examining the simple flower whose name she bore.
Alexandre Dumas, fils La Dame aux Camélias

I have four camellia bushes flowering now, each one a different colour. This is the most opulent and seductive, a short lived temptress.

Grey and murky, I had to do the weekly shop today as Himself is still spluttering with a chesty cough. It's always very sociable on a friday, for the market is in town and you meet everyone. Other than that, broadbeans, peas and salads planted out in the polytunnel; and the Whiddy island well blog getting underway.

Thanks for letting me know what yesterday's blip was - scaffolding planks apparently!  And thanks to Biker Bear for keeping Flower Friday blooming. Have a good weekend.

And Son#1 has just published his 300th blip - it's taken him about 6 years to get there but what a spectacular place to celebrate from!

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