Another world

What a woman! I had a wonderful surprise when I perused Blip this morning for Serpentine had made an extraordinary journey just for me! As some of you will know she is travelling around India and if you haven't visited her journal before, you should, for she is documenting her epic travels in a fantastic way.  Anyway, she knew I was born near Darjeeling and decided to track down Glenburn Tea Estate where my father was probably under-manager - I thought he was manager but his name is not on the list. Do read her account for the journey was ghastly - no sooner had she set out than the monsoons arrived and roads started to disintegrate but she persevered! And there was the Estate complete with bungalow, now rather posh, and amazing views. It's a hotel now, rather a smart one but you wonder who would be brave enough to trek out there - apart from Serpent!
I immediately rifled through the old photo albums and have put together a quick collage: bungalow , amazing views out to Kanchenjunga; having a jolly time on the verandah; me and my ayah, Kanchi, who only looks about 12; and my Ma and a very elegant Indian friend.
I've been thinking about this all day for various reasons - how amazing that Serpent should visit and what perseverance and stamina; how amazing that it should be Blip that did this; how amazing that that is me there in that photo; how amazing that my parents went there especially my mother who had only recently met my father, fallen in love, married him and followed him out to Darjeeling! How I wish I'd asked them more about their time there. Thank you Belinda.

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