The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

'Til Next Time

Dear O'H dear,

Off we went to Henricks for a last catch-up before you head off down under. As usual we had a fantastic evening. I am always more educated after spending time with you. I had never realised that the facial features of (small to medium) primates could be so interesting!

There was some reminiscing - how we met at work and quickly realised we were kindred spirits. Our friendship was forged over posh ginger biscuits and sealed over the cinema and our highly intellectual and in depth post film analysis sessions ('Good film*. Beer?'). Spider-Man 2 was a GREAT night out.

Our friendship is definitely the best thing that project ever produced. I have spat out several mouthfuls of tea over some of our Lync chats and I still grin when I think of a well-timed text while you were in a meeting containing 'Snaaaaaaaake'. Serves you right for getting that sodding Badger song going round my head on a loop for about a fortnight!

I LOVE having you as my friend. Not just because you make me awesome Birthday cakes (although it helps). You are incredibly kind and one of the most thoughtful people I know. There hasn't been a single night out that hasn't ended up with us howling with laughter at some point.

There is part of you** that will be with me every time I make one of the recipes in my shiny new folder with actual proper organised sections (which makes my OCD jump for joy). In fact, you'll probably be there on Skype anyway…

Loads of love,


*Except Wrath of the Titans. Just saying. (No, I will NEVER let it go).

**Not an actual part of you. I don't have any of your hair. It's not like I have a shrine to you. That would be weird.

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